Remembering Honey is an award winning story of growing up, and growing older. The companionship and love of a pet,Honey, makes
the young people in this story happy and content. Honey is a wonderful addition to the family and like all living things,
grows and matures along with her human companions. Honey is cherished. Eventually, however, Honey's human companions
must face the fact that Honey will die. How the young people deal with the tragedy of loss, is very movingly portrayed
in this first children's book, by Elaine Hogg. Loss and bereavement are part of our lives, young and old,
and the loss of a beloved pet is painful and emotional for children and adults. This story helps children come to
terms with a common and painful experience and encourages them to think about what they can keep and cherish of their
relationship when they lose a favourite animal friend.
Teacher Tips Pre-reading: Discuss pets; different kinds, good things about them, bad things, caring for them, how
we feel about pets, etc. Reading: Show the cover and discuss title and picture. Reading: Read the story aloud, pausing
for discussion and predictions. Look again at the cover to see the signs that Honey has died. Discuss the positive ending.
Post-reading: Some children will have experienced the death of a pet, or a friend or relative. Have them share their
stories orally, in writing or in pictures. It is important to allow children time to talk about death and their related feelings.
Thanks to Can/Lit for Kids for permission to use these tips.
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