Elaine Ingalls Hogg


Home | Elaine's Books | Christmas in the Maritimes | When Canada Joined Cape Breton | Inspirational Writings | Book Launch | My Story | Brochure | Workshops | Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul | Story Telling and Scribbles | Remembering Honey | Awards | Radio Clips | Ben's Page | Grandma Loves You | Family History | Ingalls Family 2 | Ingalls Family 3 | Ingalls, Ships 4 | Swallow Tail | Church History 5 | Grief | Valentine's Day
Samples of my writing -
Newest Project--Images of Our Past - Historic Grand Manan  (Nimbus Publishing)- Spring 2007
Christmas in the Maritimes (Nimbus Publishing) - October 2006
When Canada Joined Cape Breton (Nimbus Publishing) - April 2005
Remembering Honey - (Nimbus Publishing) April - 2000
Grandma Loves You - September - 1999
Stories in anthologies:
"My Dad's Violin" - Fiddlers of New Brunswick - 2006
"Watt Ingalls Story" - Fiddlers of New Brunswick - 2006
"Sarah's Prayers "- Soul Matters for Mothers and Soul Matters for Moms  - 2006
"Lessons of a Lifetime" - God Allows U-Turns for Women  - 2006
"When Pebbles Made a Path "- Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul  - 2006
11 devotionals in - A Cup of Comfort Devotionals
God's Provision - Christian Miracles
"Lesson in Kindness" - Essence Christmas Treasury
"Little Changes "- Chicken Soup for the Volunteers' Soul
"A Day in a Life" - More God Allows U-Turns
Stories in Magazines:
"The Inushuk" - Devotional in Upper Room - June 2005
"Serving in Palliative Care" - Link and V isitor - March - April 2005
"Hospitality in Church" - The ChristianCurrent - February - 2005
"When Christians Hurt You" - PAOC 'testimony' - February - 2005
Bi-weekly column  in The Kings County Record 
"The Preacher Who Lost His Voice" - Wesleyan Life - Winter Edition -  2005
"Hogg's Vocabulary Lesson"- My Story in The Scotsman - September 06
"Hogg's Trails "- My Story in The Scotsman - Summer 06
"A Christmas Miracle " - The NB READER - December 11 - 2004

See pages 61-63

I'm happy to recommend this book by well known, international speaker, Barbara Glanz.
(Pages 61-63 tells my story about how a young child deals with her own grief.

Hogg's Vocabulary Lesson