Ingalls in the New World
The Indians of the Pawtucket tribe received Edmund and Francis
kindly. The Indians gave them leave to dwell and occupy what land they would. The brothers bartered with the Indians and their
own hides were probably saved by the fact that in all their dealings they dealt justly and generously. Edmund chose for
his dwelling "a fayre Plain" beside a pond, which became known as Ingalls Pond. In the early records we learn that Edmund
had a malt house and it is most likely that he drank what he brewed. According to accounts there were much hilarity and profanity
when his house was erected with the assistance of friends . . . perhaps an indication that our relatives were not strictly
Puritans! On one occasion in 1646 Edmund was caught by a jealous neighbour, Mr. Flood, and fined for bringing home a bundle
of sticks from Mr. Holyoake's rails on the Sabbath day. In March 1646, Edmund Ingalls was travelling on his horse across
the Lynn Bridge that crossed the Sagus River, near Boston Street. The bridge gave way and Edmund, 53, lost his life. His eldest
son, Robert and the family petitioned the General Court for damages and were awarded one hundred Pounds in compensation.
This may have been the first claim of that sort in New England. This money was paid to conform to an old British law established
by Howell the Good, King of Wales, by which the value of each person's life was nominally fixed and so much money paid in
the event of his being killed. Later the court allotted twenty pounds to repair the bridge and lest anyone else falls through,
they provided for thirty shillings to be used annually for repairs. In his will Edmund left his house, barn, out buildings,
farm, and land grants. He also left one ox, two steers, three cows, one calf, four yearlings, one mare, two sheep and four
hogs. Also on the list were farming implements, household utensils, some pewter and three brass kettles. Two guns and three
bibles were also left among his possessions. The Bibles suggest that he may have been pious even though he was not a member
of the Congregational Church. Further inventory included a beer barrel. Edmund provided for all family members, including
leaving a heifer calf to his favourite daughter, Mary. For many years Edmund retained a parcel of land in England. One wonders
whatever became of this? Francis settled near Humphrey's Brook in Swampscott where he opened the first tannery in America.
His tannery was located by a big Oak Forest. The forest, the water from the brook, the hides he could barter from the Indians
and the need of footwear were most likely the contributing factors in producing such a flourishing industry. The local farmers
though primitive at first, did shoemaking at the end of a long day. Francis showed skill in this trade and soon started to
specialise in the making of leather goods, clothes and footwear. Before long Lynn developed into one of the leading centres
for the manufacture of boots. It is told that Nahant was purchased from the Indian Sagamore for a suit of clothes. At
a town meeting in February 1657 the following order was taken: "It was voted that Nahant should be laid our in planting lots
and every householder should have equal in the dividing of it, no more than another. For laying out this land there is chosen
Francis Ingalls." Francis was clearly a man of many interests. We find him continually appearing as an appraiser of estates,
as debtor or creditor in accounts, as figuring in lawsuits and as tting year after year on the jury at Salem. Francis died
in 1672 at the age of 71. His widow survived him. As there is no record of any children other than Lydia who died two years
before Francis, it may be assumed that all the Ingalls families who emanate from Lynn can trace their ancestry to Edmund.
Francis was the first industrialist of Lynn and he paved the way for its great industry, shoe making. Nathaniel, Edmund's
grandson was born about 1660 to Robert and Sarah (Harker) in Lynn. According to Zaccheus Collin's diary, he was nearly eighty
when he died in 1737. When he was just sixteen, he was drafted to go with the troops in King Philip's war. His father objected
on the ground that "the boy was not fit" . . . he offered to go in his stead. In 1691 Nathaniel married Anne Collins and they
had ten children together. Somehow the family passed unscathed throughout the terrible witchcraft year in 1692. It seemed
that almost everyone who was the least bit different in Salem that year was accused of being a witch and harassed and often
put to death. Nathaniel and his family lived at the corner of Fayette and Olive Streets in a large house, which managed to
remain standing until 1881. The house probably had been built around the time Nathaniel's marriage in 1691. It was built in
the fashion of houses of the seventeenth century. There were two stories on the front and a long sloping roof that slanted
to one story in the rear. A large central door welcomed you in the front. The house was towering over by a large chimney reaching
up to the sky. It was written that in order to bring wood to the large fireplace the heavy sticks were dragged into the house
by a horse walking through the living room. This was the days of very large fireplaces, sanded floors, pewter dishes lined
neatly on open wooden shelves and a spinning wheel placed before the fire for light and warmth. Nathaniel's son, William,
married Zeruiah Norwood in Lynn in the year 1729. Shortly after this they moved to Halifax, NS. Just as the shipyards are
still part of the Halifax waterfront, shipbuilding was important in the early eighteenth century. It was here that William
worked as a shipwright for the King's Navy for a number of years. From here the family moved to Pubnico, NS and then back
to Sullivan, Maine. As far as I can determine, it was here that he married Deborah Goss of Marblehead, Mass. In Sullivan John,
the next father in the Ingalls link was born.
Source; Daily Evening Item, June 1927 Daily Evening Item, June
1929 The History of Lynn Recordes of ye Towne Meetings of Lynn