"Fundy tides run deep, then ebb away. From across the waters, men and women came to settle here Like so
many generations that come, then go And now, their children and their children's children Scattered all across the
lands." Words on the stained glass window of the church on Wood Island, New Brunswick.
Elaine Ingalls Hogg
Swallow Tail

Welcoming light at North Head, Grand Manan, New Brunswick
Swallow Tail Light House
This picture was taken August 2000 (C)
The Shelter-"The story is a very poignant portrayal of the trials and hardships, as well as the simple joys, of life
during a time in our Canadian history when many families experienced these together. The prevailing faith and perseverance
that runs through your book gives us all hope for the future. My favourite part was reading of Auntie Willow's baptism!"
Julie Mac Isaac, Feb. 1999